We have found ourselves smack dab in the middle of the presidential election season, smack dab in the middle of summer...glorious summer. Quite frankly, it's sucking some fun out of my summer every time I turn on the news. Right side, left side, red, blue, purple, independent, fundamentalists, conservatives, liberals, blah, blah, blah. I'm not saying politics aren't important. Politics are important. What irks me is how politics are presented by the media. Too many half truths are told. Fingers are pointed. There is too much back biting. It's ugly and will continue to be ugly before November arrives.
I'm protecting my peace. I'm doing other things that make me happy and leaving the TV off! Here is a list I compiled with my kids of 10 things to do instead of politics.
1. Go swimming.
2. Look at the clouds
3. Go fishing.
4. Do something that is challenging physically.
5. Read a book. 
6. Take silly selfies while you make weird expressions. Then take one wearing your best summer, sun-kissed faces.
7. Have a Slurpie.
8. Watch a sunset.
9. Go on a date. On ours we happened to also watch a sunset (win, win).
10. Watch bull riding. We went in Orange County and it was awesome!
There are so many wonderful, marvelous things to do instead of politics and depressing news. What have you done this summer? I'd love to hear from you!
Thanks for reading!