Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rain, rain go away

When I was a little girl I had plans with my sweet Grandma one day.  We were going to take a picnic lunch to the park, do some walking in the woods, and play together—just the two of us.  Even though I was young, I can remember this day very vividly.  I was excited to have this special time with her.  When the day arrived, I woke up to a soaking rain.  The sky was gray.  I leaned close to my bedroom window to get a closer look at the ominous clouds.  The window pane began to fog up from my warm breath as I sighed at the look of the weather.

My grandma picked me up from home anyway.  I slumped down into the backseat of the car.  She drove us to her apartment.  The picnic basket was sitting on the dining room table.  She had spread a blanket on her living room floor.  As she got out our lunch from the basket she said to me, “Don’t act cross about the weather.  This rain won’t ruin our day.   This day isn’t our day anyhow; it’s God’s day.” 

I think I was about 8 years-old that day and those words still are with me.  My grandma is the kindest person I have ever known.  She speaks words of truth in a kind and gentle way.   She could have been “cross” with me for acting disappointed, but she didn’t.  She reminded me in a sweet way that our days aren’t really ours anyway.  Of course what she was telling me was scripture, but in a way that I could understand. 

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24 (NLT)

Today it’s raining heavily in Virginia.  My dog is pouting.  I cannot take a walk.  I’m stuck inside unpacking from spending the weekend in Ohio.  I miss my grandma already.  It was so nice to see her this weekend and drink in some of her kindness.  I listened to Elliot and Sydney tell her about school.  I heard them tell her how much they miss her.  We got to talk about our faith and what’s at work in my heart.  It felt comforting.

I’m tempted to pout about this rain that is supposed to be with us most of this week, but I won’t (well, I might grumble a bit).  When I looked out the window this morning, I thought about my grandma.  I’m thankful for her loving encouragement to me, and how very much it meant as a kid and still means as an adult.

So, however the weather is where you are remember the words of my Grandma because she’s right…today isn’t our day anyway.  Let us rejoice and be glad.   

Thanks for reading.

Elliot & Gram Labor Day weekend 2011

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