Monday, April 4, 2011

Modern Family

I used to have a job that I thought was really important. I was a Membership Coordinator for the FBI’s National Academy Associates. With John’s blessing, I resigned last May to be home with our son and daughter. I made some really great friends through the NAA. One of the most inspirational people I met, and am lucky enough to call a friend, is a Past President of the Rocky Mountain Chapter.

This friend attends Element Church in Cheyenne, Wyoming. As a Podcast-loving person, I listen to Element’s messages. Over the past few weeks, Jeff Maness, the Lead Pastor, is preaching a series entitled Modern Family. As a fan of the hit ABC show, the name drew me in, but that’s where the comparison ended. The TV show makes me laugh; this sermon series makes me think…a lot. I encourage you to Google Element Church or look up the church on iTunes.

The first installment of Modern Family filled my heart. Pastor Jeff says that only 1 in 5 parents feel they are doing a good job spiritually and morally in raising their kids. Only 1 in 5. I have to say, there are days when I am absolutely part of that statistic.

What really, really hit home with me though was hearing this, “God gave us our children. They are not our kids; they are God’s kids. As much as we love our children, God loves them infinitely more.”

When I heard those words, I had to push “pause.” Then, I wrote that statement down. Then I read the words. Then I listened to those words again while reading what I had written down. Pastor Jeff caused me to look at my children as something else, but something that they completely are…a blessing from God. Go ahead, pause.

Last night I snuggled with Elliot in his bed—the bottom bunk with his skull and crossbones comforter. He was worn out from a busy weekend, but needed a little extra attention to settle down. I told him I was going to lay there for 5 minutes, but before I knew it 10 had passed. In those 10 minutes I listened to Elliot’s breathing become heavier. I watched the time projected onto the ceiling by his rocket ship alarm clock. I rested my head on a pillowcase with pictures of fighter jets and American flags. I was completely immersed in all that is Elliot. In his shadowy room I replayed those words in my head…”Elliot is not my kid, he’s God’s kid. God loves him more than I do.” For me, that’s big stuff, but good stuff. It’s hard to swallow that anyone loves my kids more than me, but God does.

Just those minutes spent listening to that sermon changed my thinking.  If I don’t think of them as mine, it’s not so hard to be patient, extra patient, extra loving, extra thankful.

Being a parent is the most challenging and demanding job I have ever had. Some days the job doesn’t even stop, as our kids are in our room in the middle of the night or beginning their days before the sun even rises. But, many days it’s a job that offers more rewards than I am capable of collecting. And, it’s the most important job I’ll ever have. With God's help, I will keep that sermon's statement in the front of my mind, and it recalling it often will make me a better mom.  A mom that knows she’s doing a good job spiritually and morally. Everything else pales in comparison. 


  1. As I said when you told me you were leaving the NA, I'm proud of you for doing what's best for you & your family. It is so great to see how God is working in your life to make such a huge impact in the life of your (God's) kids! ~The WY guy.

  2. Having daughters at ages almost 29 and just turned 27 years old, I can say the decisions we make for all the right reasons, God blesses tremendously!!!

    I had the same very fortunate opportunity to be at home raising our children, and do not regret it . . . at all! With college on the horizon, my husband pleaded for me to return to work in their H.S. years. All I have to say is, our relationships with our daughters has been built on a solid foundation that endures forever. They call us several times a week, just to say hi and love coming home and our visiting them. Priceless!!

    Life is all about relationships, so build a great one! It brings joy to our Lord Jesus and makes it all so worth it! My husband and I are all about living a godly heritage and leaving a legacy for our family. God is so good!!

  3. WOW! Is all I can say, Kristin your words have left me in tears this morning and thinking to myself that you are so right, our children are not ours but are GOD'S children! I love my kids with all my heart,soul and air I breathe but to think someone could love them more is AMAZING!
    Thank you

  4. As a mother of a grown son, I can say that this teaching is still applicable. When they move away from home (and to the other side of the country) you still love them just as much and want to take care of them. But you have to accept that as adults, it is God's job to take care of them. And he will never leave them or forsake them. Now that's something that can give a mother peace of mind.

  5. Just wait till you hear the podcast of this morning's message.. Wow.

  6. Crazy enough I was thinking something similar last week, they're only on loan to us from God, not just ours, but his most wonderful possession entrusted to our care....really made me think about how we do things!
