Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Nudge

Have you ever felt an urge to do something?  Some refer to that as a nudge.  I was reading a blog about a nudge today and the writer described that feeling as “like a bee that has somehow trapped itself inside my ear. I know it's there and it's driving me crazy! Would love to set it free so I can have some peace, but the bee doesn't know how to free itself. We are both stuck with each other." 

I feel those nudges all the time.  It can be something small like, leave the mess in the kitchen and just play with the kids instead. Or, call that friend; send that email; give that compliment; don’t eat that cookie.  Sometimes it’s something bigger…invite someone to attend Lifepoint Church (Pastor Daniel encourages us to do that every week and I’m thankful for his reminder), say ‘sorry,’ forgive .  Other times it’s something else entirely. 

It’s been over a year since I first felt a nudge to get back to writing.  I studied psychology and Spanish in college.  I can never decide what I love more, learning about how our minds work, and how they are connected to our hearts, or the art of communication through written word—this includes reading and writing.  I’ve been a self-proclaimed book worm since about the 4th grade.  I am always reading something.  Books that I love are stacked beside my bed, overflowing onto the floor from my nightstand.  It’s a real variety…there are various self help topics (communication, mothering, Al-Anon materials, marriage, dieting); a few easy-to-read novels; devotional books; memoirs; cooking and DYI magazines.  Mixed in with the books are journals I’ve kept over the years.  At times, when I was growing up I would feel drowned in emotions.  My mom would say “maybe writing down your thoughts will help to sort them out.”  It did help.  Seeing my thoughts on paper (or a computer screen) made them seem smaller, less serious, and more organized.  And, writing takes me in new directions. 

Through my women’s Lifegroup, I’m learning that a nudge is the voice of God speaking to me, urging me to take my life in the direction of the plan that God has for me.  I’m learning to trust that nudge because when I listen and “do” the thing He is nudging me to do, good things follow.   Proverbs 15:31 says “Whoever heeds life-giving correction will be at home among the wise.”  God nudges us into a more desirable outcome.  God is watching out for our best interests.  So then, we better pay attention to the nudges.

My recent nudge was this blog.  I definitely had a bee buzzing in my ear.  I decided to set the bee free and write.  It’s been amazing what has followed.  I’ve read the most wonderful feedback on this blog site and in personal emails.  I’ve been humbled by people’s kind and encouraging words.  Listening to that nudge, that encouragement from God, is paying off in my heart.  I feel a sense of accomplishment, obedience, and peacefulness.  All from a nudge.

I fully intend to keep writing.  If I have followers on this blog, I consider that just an added blessing.  What’s your nudge?  What’s God been encouraging you to do?  I hope I’ve encouraged you to listen to your nudge. 


  1. Another good one! Glad you listened to that "nudge" to write.... I sure enjoy the read!

  2. You go girl!! Nothing compares to obedience!! Thankfully, your setting the bee free has enabled you to experience an applause from heaven, that you are on track.

    Thank you for sharing your writing gift and joy with us. Looking forward to the next entry.

  3. I find writing to be incredibly therapeutic. I can't tell you how many times I've written "my heart out"--and only after writing it down, I actually understood why I was feeling a certain way. I am not sure if writing your thoughts on paper (be it real paper or virtual) makes things smaller or less important--at least, I don't know if this has been the case for me, but it does organize my thoughts and make my head seem much clearer (and the heart less heavy, if what I write about is something unhappy). I used to have a blog, and I believe writing there has saved me thousands of dollars in therapy. :) I really miss it now. Maybe some day I will get back to it--or at least back to writing.
