Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Spiritual Crafting

I spent part of my morning at a small get together at a neighbor’s home.  It was supposed to be time spent crafting.  Now, I’m not much of a crafter.  I like to work with my hands, but I’m not all that creative.  I can follow a diagram well, or find an idea in a magazine and recreate it.  Somehow, crafting loses its original appeal if I’m just following a guide.  I admire people that come up with these beautiful scrapbooks and handmade effects—I have some extremely talented friends.  It’s like a piece of who they are is mirrored in the creative piece.  I’m more of a thinker, writer, and reader.   Perhaps my writing is my kind of craftiness. 

I enjoy stringing together words; searching for better suited words that more keenly express what’s rolling around in my mind.  I realize however that my attempt at this “craft” is a rusty draft version of the final product.  It’s sort of like I’ll forever be on the practice field—and I’m ok with that.  Perhaps some people craft to find an outlet for their creative energy.  I certainly write to find an outlet for mine.  There are wonderfully talented folks that can even earn a buck from their artistic abilities.  Wouldn’t that be nice? 

On this blog I can view the number of hits I have received, country where the page has been viewed, how many hits in any given day, etc.  Don’t worry…I don’t have any further information than that.  I don’t believe Big Brother really cares if someone is visiting my piddly blog.  What excited me this past week though was to learn that I have received over 1,100 views of my blog…590 of them were in just the past month (and by the way, I have it set up to not track my own views).  I just started this blog in March, so I see that as quite a response! 

Now, I am not sharing this information to in any way “toot my own horn.”  The point I am trying to make is this, perhaps when we utilize the talent God has graced us with; blessings flow.  In other words, when we utilize our God-given abilities good things follow. 

I just spent a few minutes reading into this more and here is what I read.  Romans 12:6-8
6 In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.  So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you.  7 If your gift is serving others, serve them well.  If you are a teacher, teach well.  8 If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging.  If it is giving, give generously.  If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously.  And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

For me that passage means that we must use our gifts (or combination of gifts), given to us, and humbly be grateful for them.  Be thankful rather than proud.  I know for me too that when it becomes fulfilling, rather than draining, it’s a good indication that I am using my gifts well.  Writing fills me.  Reading refuels me.  Pairing them together fulfills me.

I’ve watched my husband use his gift of teaching about exercise and nutrition.  It fulfills him to share his expertise.  I myself would be exhausted if I had to lead people through rigorous physical training (and by that I mean physically and mentally exhausted).  He enjoys the challenge, the exchange, the questions, the rewards of his hard work.

Nope, not for me.  I’ll keep writing, reading, researching, and learning the written Word.  I love the Daily Devotionals that land in my inbox.  A trip to the bookstore or library makes me happy.  I’m reading new blogs every day.  I’m searching for creative ways to reach others through my writing.  That may cause many of you to feel exhausted or bored.  So, I ask…what are your gifts and how are you using them?

Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Coming from a large catholic family I grew up with the message that we are all given different talents/gifts and we should use them are certainly doing just that with your writing and sharing of such! Thank you - for I really enjoy your stop along the way! Susan
